Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Really Need Opposable Thumbs

Can please have a pair of opposable thumbs? Can't you see these paws I have can't catch a thing? Can I please have a couple of opposable thumbs? Thanks.

A Frisbee Storm


I have a feeling I'm going to miss this one, too...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ben Herding - Sepia

Ben Herding - Sepia
Ben Herding - Sepia
Originally uploaded by Anda74

The first herding trial I've attended - last Saturday, in Fort Lupton. This is Ben, Taz's uncle. Taz and Craig belong to Laura.


Originally uploaded by Anda74
Trying to keep this blog alive - well, it's not like anyone is reading it, but since I built it, maybe I should post something every, say, 3 months or so...

Friday, January 11, 2008

Ohh, I have a blog?

I forgot I had created a blog back in spring last year. Duhhh.

Stew is now a big rabbit, at least I hope he still is. We let him free a few days after the last entry, around the same area we found him. We kept spotting him in the next months, then I guess he grew up and started to look like all the other rabbits. Every time I see a bunny next to the bush where we released him, I politely say "Hi, Stew" :)

Muddy Ouzo

Muddy Ouzo

When you look like this 2 minutes after arriving at the dog park, then you proceed to split a toe open and gash blood all over your muddy white paw, you don't get too much saying in what will happen to you.

Torture by Shower and Soap

Torture by Shower and Soap

Why me, why?! Ouzo stoically enduring a shower to remove historic amounts of mud collected at the dog park.

I hate you.

I hate you.

Ouzo lost all his love for me for making him suffer through soap and water torture.

Can I go now?

Can I go now?

Yes, most of the mud is off, so the torture is over, Ouzo.